Oh wow, a vaccine now has a “Campus Coalition” of “ambassadors” that span 23 college campuses, and growing fast, to “stamp out misinformation” about said vaccine. This group of “ambassadors” is being promoted on MSN and elsewhere in the mainstream media just days after it was announced the US government bought another 200 million doses from Pfizer, the same vaccine that has been found by Israel’s government to be only 39 percent effective at battling the new Delta variant — and some who got sick after getting vaxxed claim Delta is actually infection of some kind that results from the vaccine itself, or reduced immunity connected to getting the mRNA cocktail.

Regimes, and cults, typically conscript the young in their ranks to control the messaging. What has this vaccine push become?

Why does a vaccine need all this?

And these mRNA experimental therapy ambassadors are, in many cases, preemptively “stamping out” legitimate concerns of their peers — real people, young people who already took the vaxx and had adverse reactions and now have effectively nowhere to turn — and they’re silencing them, and being elevated by Big Pharma’s promotional musculature for doing so.

The group — zealots, singing the Good Word of multinational pharmaceutical companies — on TikTok, Instagram, and elsewhere, where they influence millions of young, lonely people to take the experimental therapy in exchange for being able to travel again, or go to university.

They keep telling us the vaccine “sells itself.” Ah, right. Of course it does.

Also the total ignorance of the fact many college-aged people caught COVID already, and therefore have immunity — why aren’t they tested for antibodies before being subjected to this for-profit, “ambassador”-promoted experiment which has no worker’s comp, disability payments, or other type of social net program for those who are injured by the experiment in the months ahead.

Continue | mRNA Vaccine Adverse Reaction Grumbles From The Young Continue To Grow

Just the top page of vaccine experiences on pro-vaccine community r/covidvaccinated — screenshot taken 7/26/2021 — hey ambassadors, this is what you’re pushing on your peers. Disgraceful.