With just slightly more than four and a half months to go before Election Day here in the United States, it’s time for a FULCRUM Tuesday Flash Poll — unscientific, to be sure, and hosted on Twitter which means it is prone to all kinds of bizarre Big Tech tomfoolery, but regardless… we want to hear from you, and get a feel for where our audience sits at the moment.

Time for a FULCRUM Tuesday Flash Poll! Rejoice!

So, if the Election were held TODAY, who would you favor? President Donald J. Trump for a second term, or Sleepy (Creepy) Joe? Let us know in the Twitter poll embedded below, and feel free to sound off in greater individual depth using the comments section.

FLASH POLL: If the Election were today, who would you favor?

— FULCRUM News (@realFULCRUMNews) June 16, 2020

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