Many of these mRNA vaccine user reports are starting to sound like medical horror stories—

And a new variant is taking off during one of the hottest Summers on record? I think the CDC is possibly a rogue agency, and I think the Satanic creeps exposed by the Podesta Emails are the same people running point on this global scam. There’s really no scientific precedent for strains taking off to this extent in the middle of the summer, so we can assume it’s a sloppy media coverup of the millions they forced into an emergency authorization experimental mRNA therapy months ago, who are now experiencing severe side effects.

mRNA genetic therapy wasn’t ready for prime time, and these Satanic creeps knew it.

Plus nearly all children recover from COVID-19, whereas many young people are the ones reporting severe side effects from the mRNA therapy shots.

Evil. Evil, and dumb, what was pushed on us.

This reduction of civil rights for no reason won’t go the way these hucksters think it will go.

8 billion of us, handfuls of them, and they just poisoned millions of our young people. What now?

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