As The Daily Mail is reporting, “Lawyers for the British socialite revealed the hack while discussing what should remain sealed in the defamation case brought against her by Virginia Guiffre. In August, 2000 pages of court documents relating to Epstein failed to redact one of Maxwell's email addresses.”

Ghislaine Maxwell photographed with Jeffrey Epstein. Her emails have reportedly been hacked, adding new complexity to the Epstein super-scandal.

And from that reveal of one of her personally hosted email addresses — a technological snafu similar to Hillary Clinton’s private email server data security lapse — it was relatively easy for hackers to target Ghislaine Maxwell and pry open her email trove after some effort.

The Daily Mail speculates the emails may soon become available on the Internet, or at least available for sale by whoever did the hacking.

This adds new complexity to an already incredibly bizarre and complex scandal which has tainted everyone from Bill Gates and Google co-founder Sergey Brin, to the British royal family — including former Epstein friend Prince Andrew.

Continue Reading— Google Co-Founder Sergey Brin Visited Epstein AFTER First Conviction; Is This Why YouTube Censors #Pedogate?

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