Instead of apologizing to their weary and increasingly angry audiences, the leading QTubers have quadrupled down in the wake of disappointing news that Attorney General William Barr and US Attorney John Huber have announced there are no further plans to investigate the Clintons, and that things will be winding down from here on out.

Additionally, it has been decided that General Flynn may have to serve up to 6 months in prison.

All this, run through the greasy kaleidoscope filter of a young QTuber’s mind, becomes profoundly excellent news:

QTuber Sather suggests the news that Huber is winding down his investigation is actually a “deliberate disinfo leak” from the DOJ.

Although confident that no further investigation into the Clintons is actually a good thing, and may even be some kind of elaborate disinformation sting, Sather is hedging his bets by still feeding his followers a steady dose of Hidden Alien Knowledge—just in case the Q income stream falls apart, we assume.

Alrighty then.

One would be mistaken to suggest Alien Hope Secret Knowledge circlejerking is a feature unique to this QTuber alone. Many in the Q “research” community seem to have tacked over to alien stuff in recent days—

Moving swiftly on from the disappointment of Huber, “QAnon Michele” shares her latest message board findings: Jesus is about to pop out of a spaceship, maybe even accompanied by Elvis, Michael Jackson, and other VIPs. Why? Hey, who the hell knows—these are QAnons, after all.

If there’s any silver lining to this startling tailspin into insanity, it’s that traffic to FULCRUM — as well as sign-ups to our newsletter — have increased sharply since the Q bubble has finally popped. Viewer traffic to our peers at Alex Jones’ platform is climbing significantly. Seems the public is—at long last—maybe moving away from QTuber content.

Related on FULCRUM: QANON’s Stinking Ramtha Problem