It’s 2020, and looks like creepy ‘Pizzagate’ has been opened up anew: if you’re a fan of 1990s sci-fi TV, Stargate of course transported people to other worlds. And Pizzagate will transport the elite to prison, zero doubt!

Crazy day, even by the standards set over the last few years — what are the aging ‘elite’ doing, in all seriousness? Can they not keep anything under wraps? It came out just about an hour ago, as The New York Post is reporting, that photos of Bill Clinton with Jeffrey Epstein’s alleged child procurer & accomplice have surfaced.

“Never-before-seen photos show Bill Clinton smiling alongside Jeffrey Epstein’s alleged madam Ghislaine Maxwell and one of the dead pedophile’s alleged sex abuse victims. The photos were taken on a September 2002 trip to Africa that the accuser, Chauntae Davies, took with Clinton and other celebrities on Epstein’s so-called private ‘Lolita Express’ jet,” as the Post is reporting.

In related news, New York Times columnist Paul Krugman — persistent critic of President Trump, cryptocurrency, and human progress — claimed on Twitter earlier today that “someone compromised” his Internet access, and used it to download a trove of child porn. He described it as an “attempt to Qanon” him, whatever that means!

NY Times columnist Paul Krugman has admitted that his Internet access is being used to download child porn, and is apparently blaming QANON for the incident.

Freak World, we are just here to report on it faithfully, folks. Don’t shoot the messenger.

Keep Reading— Direct Link Established Between James Alefantis, John Podesta, and Jeffrey Epstein's Island