Wow. Never go full Antoni Trenchev. Users were sent “offer letters” in the days after the platform’s March 12-13 mass liquidation of users, in some cases without proper notice or user consent, it appears based on emails, screenshots, and other materials sent to FULCRUM:

Email to a NEXO user impacted by last month’s liquidation.

Email to a NEXO user impacted by last month’s liquidation.

Before receiving any “reacquired” funds, however, NEXO’s Trenchev forced users to sign a ridiculous legal document — which imposes a 50,000 British pound (about US$61,000) fine upon the user for each time NEXO finds they have criticized or negatively mentioned NEXO on social media. Incredible:

NEXO “Non-disparagement agreement” page 1 of 2

NEXO “Non-disparagement agreement” page 2 of 2

NEXO’s original claim of being SEC “compliant” — screenshot of their claim above — was recently removed from their website and promotional materials.

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