We’re seeing astroturfing claims all of the sudden that James Alefantis’ sick Instagram account and the John Podesta WikiLeaks emails have been “debunked” and revealed as fakes. This is simply not true — someone is still desperate, four years after the emails came out, to make the truth appear not real.

Like it or not, in late 2016 “PizzaGate” exposed the dark underbelly of the very real occult deepstate — and the scandal probably isn’t going away any time soon.

Only a month left for me in DC blogging for FULCRUM… my two years here in DC have gone by very fast, and among my regrets is chiefly this one: THAT NO ONE TOOK MY PIZZAGATE COVERAGE SERIOUSLY.

It wasn’t a joke.

I wasn’t saying any of this stuff for attention.

I was pushed into relative obscurity while my “colleagues” including Jack Posobiec and Charlie Kirk disavowed PizzaGate as fake, and then were elevated to rock star-dom within days.

Our world is incredibly fake, and the fact that law enforcement has had four years to act on the Podesta Emails and James Alefantis sick Instagram filth — leads one to believe that our world is very corrupt indeed, if a sicko like John Podesta is effectively above any federal scrutiny whatsoever.

Sad Satanic world — but not forever — because too many of us know.

And once you KNOW, you can’t un-know any of it, and you can’t be quiet.

Start here — our PizzaGate explanation article has stood the test of time.

And give our original 8 minute legally vetted video on PizzaGate a watch: