The Hunter Biden laptop email scandal is evolving rapidly by the hour this Sunday online… famed liberal journalist Glenn Greenwald, who years ago attained worldwide fame for his role in shepherding the NSA contractor Edward Snowden’s claims about warrantless surveillance of citizens, has just criticized the media for its failure — thus far — to adequately cover the laptop & emails of Hunter Biden.

“The excuse offered here by this NBC reporter for not covering the Hunter Biden emails is 100% bullshit. NBC reported 3 or 4 stories with me from the Snowden archive in 2014 even though NBC never had access to the archive. They reported it by seeing the docs I shared with them,” Greenwald tweeted.

And he’s right. There is no reason for the media’s slow walk of the shocking Hunter Biden emails, unless the reason is to interfere in the election process, by refusing to cover the dirt of one side while non-stop covering any perceived weaknesses of Trump’s campaign. It’s not fair, it’s not logical, and it’s not journalism — just as with the Podesta Emails back in 2016, the media is acting as cover-up intermediary, as clean-up man, rather than as unbiased referee of what’s here in the emails… on the laptop… what is this elite filth, precisely? And can we elect a family like this, one this strange and deviant?

Continue reading: The Hunter Biden Laptop Email Scandal Just Entered Dark New Waters

The Hunter Biden laptop scandal gets dark, fast. Read what we know so far here.

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