Aww, it’s okay! Or—it will be okay soon. Order out of chaos, isn’t that what we should say in a situation like this?

FULCRUM will see your tired coverup effort, and raise you 100,000-fold.

Such drama!

Such coverup!

Alex Jones called out Jack Posobiec as a “CIA plant,” and regardless of what he is, we have had our suspicions for some time that something in the Jack Posobiec origin story just doesn’t add up.

And speaking of things that don’t add up…

People are trying to tie FULCRUM to the ITNJ, some fake court-like proceeding that former CIA man Robert David Steele is involved in. Steele, who also referred our founder to Canadian lawyer Steven Scott Biss, recommended our founder “do” the ITNJ panel—so a couple years ago, he appeared as a witness via Skype, to explain what Pizzagate was, what elite child trafficking is, and the role that adrenochrome plays.

Now, our founder stands by every single word, and the only thing that doesn’t quite make sense to us is that random accounts are now trying to say we “work” with the ITNJ.

Beyond that single appearance, done remotely via Skype, we have no connection to them at all.

Robert David Steele is one of the least credible human beings on the planet, in our view.

In a sense, the dramatic ITNJ non-binding “proceedings” are a bit like a predecessor to the QANON pacification psyop, in our view: to those who KNOW what the so-called elite families are doing, and have been doing essentially since the dawn of recorded history, the ITNJ proceeding looks and feels like justice… they’re talking about the scandal somewhat accurately, and the weirdest elements of Satanic ritual abuse, yet it is not a courtroom and Robert David Steele is no judge.

As with QANON postings, it all serves to diffuse the tension, to make the newly awake think the adrenochromin’ class has been brought to its knees — when nothing could be further from the truth.

You don’t need three years of riddles, nor do you need theatrics from former CIA man Robert David Steele or anyone else involved with ITNJ, in order to get to the bottom of this.

You just need the WikiLeaks emails, in front of a lawfully convened grand jury, and presto! It’ll be a new world: just perhaps not the new world these folks have been striving toward.

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