It was a wild news week, and this upcoming week may be no different — consider that our information on QANON, it being a scam run by a left-leaning cult, has sent shockwaves through the livestreaming world. Some of the largest QTubers have now begun to backtrack and apologize, stating that “if it is a fraud,” then they are very sorry to have taken part in its promotion.

Almost 70 degrees in DC today, with people playing soccer by the Monument and no more than a t-shirt & shorts needed at outdoor cafes.

Emails from two years ago, open sourced by FULCRUM here, show one of the leading QTubers had doubts about Q back then—but decided it would be good for growing his brand, and promoting interest in aliens. Really.

Oh no, you won’t get off that easy.

If the facts point to them knowing it was possibly a scam, yet riding it for the next two years as if it were absolute truth, there needs to be full accountability. That’s all we want, and we’re thrilled to see our open sourced information about the people behind Q metastasizing throughout the truther community — enough is enough. 2020 and still no mass indictments. They aren’t coming, unless we all get loud, as we should have two years ago when the serpentine Q began spinning its riddles.

No riddles at FULCRUM and no time-consuming puzzles to put together. We just give you the truth, based on our excellent, multi-pronged sourcing here in DC — if you get the newsletter, as many do, you would have known about Ethereum before almost anyone. It’s now the #2 largest crypto network behind Bitcoin itself, with a market capitalization today of nearly US $16 billion.

And, you would have known for more than the last year that QANON was an almost certain scam, and not something that people in Pres. Trump’s orbit want anything to do with.

This week, we go after Google — be sure to visit this site and our social media frequently for updates. We have given them two years to restore our presence on YouTube. That remains the world’s largest online video platform, by far, and as a news organization in America’s capitol, we feel we should have fair access to that audience again, as nearly all of our competitors do. It being a national election year makes our call for equal access even more important — there’s simply no reason to silence one of the most reputable brands in online media.