In an inspired bit of election year gaslighting, Yahoo! News posted a curious (even by our standards) article shaming Donald Trump Jr. for drawing attention to Joe Biden’s multiple inappropriate on-camera fondles of young girls, some as young as 10 years old.

Democratic super-lobbyist Tony Podesta with disgraced D.C. pizza shop owner James Alefantis.

For someone literally running for President, you would think that questions about his on-camera behavior, especially when it relates to the safety and comfort of minors, would not be so outrageous to Dylan Stableford, the “senior writer” at Yahoo! News who published the piece, entitled, “It’s sick: Biden blasts Trump Jr.’s pedophilia ‘joke’” — incredible.

Groping kids on-camera: not to be discussed or evaluated.

Calling out those who grope kids on-camera: “It’s sick.”

Oh okay, very healthy and honest article, Dylan Stableford.

Very healthy stance!

Yahoo! writer Dylan Stableford is outraged that anyone would draw attention to Joe Biden’s personality quirk of groping young girls, in public, without their consent.

The homepage Yahoo! article slamming people for asking about Joe Biden’s lifelong habit of groping underage girls, on-camera and without explanation, goes even further. It re-litigates in the court of public opinion all that nasty PizzaGate truth from the last election cycle — and this is some of the most truly inspired, absurd gaslighting we have seen in a while:

Accusations that prominent Democrats, including Hillary Clinton, were involved in an international child-smuggling and pedophilia ring date back to the 2016 presidential election and inspired a notorious attack in a Washington pizzeria where the fictitious ring was headquartered.

Oh, you mean the patsy who fired a single bullet — miraculously destroying that alleged child trafficking front’s hard drive and nothing else — qualifies as a “notorious attack”?

Not one injury, not one death — and a total patsy who was, again, instantly carted off after firing a single bullet, which only destroyed the pizza shop’s business records on their hard drive, and literally nothing else.

Law enforcement has known for decades that restaurants can be a front and money laundering facade for all manner of illegal activities, yet the pizza shop Yahoo! discusses was not the focus of PizzaGate at all.

So what is Dylan Stableford trying to do here? Why shouldn’t we all focus on the incredibly damaging PizzaGate emails, which are real?

And, more important, why shouldn’t Joe Biden answer for every single time he has touched a child?