This week on Fuhmentaboudit!, hosts Mary Izett and Chris Cuzme are back from the Great American Beer Festival and kick off the show with an interview with Jim Koch, founder of Samuel Adams Beer. Talking about Jim’s background and how he came to build the beer empire, he also goes on to share the details of the Samuel Adam’s Longshot American Homebrew Competition. Mary and Chris highlight their experiences at the GABF, complete with some of the tastiest brews and trends that include cucumber, mushroom, beet, and passionfruit beers. Coming back from Denver inspired to try new ingredients and techniques, the hosts share what’s next for their own brews. After the break, Mary and Chris welcome Chris Spradley who is the host of What’s on Tap Radio. He shares that his show is mostly about beer and the culture around it, but is known for a segment called 3 Blind Beers where the guest is blindfolded and asked to name the beer tasted. Chris goes on to state what else he’s up to, including some serious beer and food pairings, his take on the happenings at the GABF, as well as details about his new television program. This program was brought to you by

“The best homebrewers are just as good as the commercial brewers.” [5:10]

—Jim Koch on Fuhmentaboudit!

“It’s an opportunity to show the other side of beer that people don’t see.” [32:03]

—Chris Spradley on Fuhmentaboudit!