This week on Fuhmentaboudit!, solo host Mary Izett kicks off the show with a plethora of brew-tastic events coming up before welcoming guest co-host Bahiyyih Comeau and Zack Schulman, the founder of Ferment! Ferment! which is taking place this year on Sunday, March 22 at The Brooklyn Free School. His goal hosting Ferment! Ferment! is to encourage people to ferment foods, come together to enjoy them while sharing the experiences making them. In a world of the fetishization of the food professional, this particular event celebrates the amateur fermenter. Think of it as not only a party, but also an informal tasting! Zack shares some highlights and workshops taking place this year and some of the memorable moments from Ferment! Ferment! events past. This program was brought to you by Union Beer Distributors.

“It’s party meets informal tasting meets potluck. It’s super participatory!”

“If you make something that totally fails, bring the story! Share the story!”

—Zack Schulman on Fuhmentaboudit!