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Mauri shared her story of maintaining faith through hardships and writing a book about integrating faith into business. She discussed her passion for helping business owners lead people to Jesus and starting a servant leader group. Sam emphasized the importance of faith in business and learning from unexpected results, while also reflecting on giving recognition to others.

Key Points
• Mauri talks about the importance of serving in their group (4:40)

• Sam introduces Mauri on the podcast and encourages her to share her story, highlighting the potential impact on listeners' lives (10:12)

• Despite the hardships, Mauri maintained faith and saw a transformation in her life, leading her to write a book about integrating faith into business (16:32)

• Mauri Rene discusses her passion for using her book and workbook to help business owners lead people to Jesus, as well as starting a servant leader group in her community (20:43)

• Sam and Mauri discuss the role of faith in business and personal life (34:08)

• Sam discusses the importance of acting in faith in business and learning from unexpected results (35:17)

• Mauri shares a story about a challenging project in the construction industry where faith played a role in resolving the situation and emphasizes the importance of having faith in business success (37:20)

• Sam reflects on the idea of giving recognition and trophies to others, especially in terms of talents and good deeds (49:24)

Next Steps
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