Once, in the early days of TV, the message was Father Knows Best. But it's been a slip-slide from capable, professional, competent TV sitcom fathers to Tim Taylor, Al Bundy, Kevin James, Jim Belushi, Jay Pritchett, Danny Tanner... why does TV tell us that men are incompetent dads full of hare-brained schemes they require their wife to bail them out of? Oh and by the way, the guy is usually half a slob and his wife could win a beauty contest. What does this tell us about what society expects of men, and what men expect from society?

Don't worry, it's funny too.


Ed the Sock - http://Twitter.Com/EdTheSock


Andrew Willis - http://Twitter.Com/AndyLandRadio

Mo Amir - http://Twitter.Com/Vancolour

Stuart Benson - http://Twitter.Com/LeftHandStu

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