Hosted by Ed the Sock - Who was your male hero, the person you looked up to as a kid? The persons and characters who informed and formed our aspirations and views on manhood & its responsibilities. We all had them. Our panel looks at their male role models, both as children and as adults, and question how the male figures we looked up to as kids hold up in the light of today. Pretty diverse group of influences that reflect in some cases changing values, in others male examples from the past that modern men would do good to emulate today.


Hosted by Canadian icon & FUN - The FU_Network founder Ed the Sock, Mensplaining is men talking to men about the challenges of being Men. Not ‘Guys’, ‘Bros’ or ‘Brahs’, no backlash, whining, griping, male tears or touchy-feely, new-agey mumbo-jumbo. Just men being honest and funny while talking about the role of men in our rapidly changing social, political and cultural landscape.