On this KERZNER EXPEDITION - He went by @ThatsMrNeil, Twitter name NEIL BEFORE ZOD - until he was doxxed by a hit piece on a right-wing website. And they lied about him. Big lie, not little. And the lie got him vilified by right-wing media. It affected his wife & kids, colleagues, work, friends. So why did the alt.right trolls determine Neil Waytowich had be neutralized? What does he tweet that has them wetting their beds?

Find out who he is, why he does what he does and the impact of a right-wing media mob on a family man from the 'burbs. Plus, how much are tweeters responsible for what others read into and do with their tweets? This and more with interviewer Steven J. Kerzner (http://twitter.com/stevenjkerzner)

The Kerzner Expedition is an #FU_Politics Original Podcast No pundits, no jargon, no zealots - honest talk with knowledgeable, opinionated people w/sense of humour. Listen & Subscribe to #FU_Politics at: iTunes - Rate, Review and Subscribe!https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/fu-politics/id1472299923 Spotifyhttps://open.spotify.com/show/4YQ4rklq8bcsmhTfqgj9jH YouTubehttps://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLBRvebbl4FVT9dWt0IdE8ccD1cOkPO5a7 Podbeanhttps://fupolitics.podbean.com Google Playhttps://play.google.com/music/m/Ilgcik5imfx5qwtzxivpyblb2p4 Stitcherhttps://www.stitcher.com/podcast/fun-the-fu-network/fu-politics Player FMhttps://player.fm/series/fu-politics-2521543 Tune In / Alexahttp://tun.in/pjtS0 RSS Feedhttps://feed.podbean.com/fupolitics/feed.xml

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