Previous Episode: I Don't Wanna Pay
Next Episode: Feed The Dragon

Getting to know Haoming, Gaurav, Varun, CV & Steven with a game of 'Would You Rather'. We debate whether we would rather: Be attractive but punched in the face every day or ugly; Be heroes or villains; Have no eyebrows or a unibrow; Be able to meow & have 9 lives or speak normally & live once; Eat only humans or starve to death; Be electrocuted when you swear or have all profanities censored on TV; Hug a panda or a polar bear; Swap genders every year or have to move & start fresh every year; See what created civilization or see what ends it; Suck a hobo’s toe for 2 mins or be in a cage with a honey badger & a lion for 20 secs?
PS: Visit & pick up her debut novel Beechwood Park in stores or online.