Time to switch life up. Time to write show notes that don’t suck and rise to the task of additional entertainment. Frozen Pizza 13 is about one thing: Marvel vs. DC on the silver screen. We broke down all the comic book movie news and talked about what it means. Links and portals to all […]

Time to switch life up. Time to write show notes that don’t suck and rise to the task of additional entertainment. Frozen Pizza 13 is about one thing: Marvel vs. DC on the silver screen. We broke down all the comic book movie news and talked about what it means. Links and portals to all discussion points can be found below:

Cory’s Scary Sky Lord Halloween
Dumb Florida kids don’t want a bag of candy
Marvel vs. DC on the Silver Screen 
Aquaman of the land Khal Drogo
Suicide Squad lineup
Age of Ultron trailer (I’ve got no strings on me)
Ghostbusters (female team)
Lebron Goes Back To Cleveland
Florida Man

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