Welcome back to Frown Town! Vee and J discuss the White House's Blueprint to the AI Bill of Rights and why we need more than a plan.

Special thank you to FCON for loaning us their song Liquid Fury! - https://fcon206.bandcamp.com/album/fcon

Relevant Links:

Blueprint for an AI Bill of Rights - https://www.whitehouse.gov/ostp/ai-bill-of-rights/

The White House released an ‘AI Bill of Rights’ - https://www.cnn.com/2022/10/04/tech/ai-bill-of-rights/index.html

Here’s why tech companies keep paying millions to settle lawsuits in Illinois - https://www.cnn.com/2022/09/20/tech/illinois-biometric-law-bipa-explainer/index.html

Famous AI Gone Wrong Examples In the Real World We Need To Know - https://www.analyticsinsight.net/famous-ai-gone-wrong-examples-in-the-real-world-we-need-to-know/

AI Gone Rogue: 6 Times AI Went Too Far - https://www.makeuseof.com/ai-gone-rogue-times-ai-went-too-far/

AI Gone Wrong: 5 Biggest AI Failures Of All Time - https://www.jumpstartmag.com/ai-gone-wrong-5-biggest-ai-failures-of-all-time/

Hot Robot At SXSW Says She Wants To Destroy Humans | The Pulse - https://youtu.be/W0_DPi0PmF0