Take a gander into acoustic analysis of laser-induced graphene (LIG) with our guest, John Li, PhD Candidate from Stanford University and pod host Kole Lutz. Researchers used a $31 microphone attached to the CO2 laser writing head, followed by a simple acoustic signal processing scheme that allows for far greater quality control capabilities that are orders of magnitude faster than characterization of laser-induced graphene by microscopy techniques. 

By applying Fourier and integral analyses, reseachers observed the local quality and morphology of the produced material graphene. Learn about how the acoustic analysis and signal processing can evaluate material properties and synthesis with implications for a wide range of applications including sintering, phase engineering, strain engineering, chemical vapor deposition, combustion, annealing, laser-cutting, gas evolution, distillation, spacecraft, bioengineering, and more. 

Li, V. D., Li, J. T., Beckham, J. L., Chen, W., Deng, B., Luong, D. X., Kittrell, C., Tour, J. M., Sounds of Synthesis: Acoustic Real-Time Analysis of Laser-Induced Graphene. Adv. Funct. Mater. 2022, 2110198. https://doi.org/10.1002/adfm.202110198 

DATAQ Instruments Brand Data Loggers Model DI-1100, $50 data logger system with Windaq software. DATAQ Instruments' WinDaq Waveform Browser (WWB) playback software (FREE) contains a Fourier transform algorithm. 



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