Welcome, Citizens of the Globe, to the Frontend Heroes podcast.  Our show is now available to watch on Youtube as well as in audio form!  Check it out here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnHOQaJkM-ckTkoN8sGLbhQ

This time around, we are joined by Chris Sevilleja, founder of Scotch.io and Dev Advocate at Digital Ocean.  We discuss the overlaps between content production, writing and the frontend, as well as being entrepreneurial minded, and the value of sharing knowledge as you learn it.

Guests: Chris Sevilleja ( https://twitter.com/chris__sev )

True Hero: Sam Julien ( https://twitter.com/samjulien )

Musical Picks:
Scott - Anaconda Con Leche - Anaconda Con Leche
Chris - Ken Wheeler - Love Songs for Your Mother
Evan - Fionn Regan - The Meetings of the Waters

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