Oliver Schöndorfer, a UI Designer and Typographer, who helps developers improve their websites through pimped typography joins Ari Koponen on the Frontend Greatness podcast to talk about "Better Web Typography."

Oliver's YouTube Channel “Pimp my Type”: http://pimpmytype.com

Newsletter with weekly font recommendations for web and app design: https://pimpmytype.com/newsletter

In this episode:

- How can you make typography on the web better?

- Choosing fonts for your next web project

- Using variable fonts to improve typography and performance


Episode Notes


- Oliver's Twitter: https://twitter.com/glyphe

- Pimp My Type: http://pimpmytype.com

- Ari's Twitter: https://twitter.com/apkoponen

Show Notes

- Web Almanac - Fonts: https://almanac.httparchive.org/en/2020/fonts/

- "5 steps to faster web fonts": https://iainbean.com/posts/2021/5-steps-to-faster-web-fonts/

- Prevent Faux Fonts: https://alistapart.com/article/say-no-to-faux-bold/

- Avoid Google Fonts: https://wicki.io/posts/2020-11-goodbye-google-fonts/

- Rasmus Anderssons (@rsms): https://twitter.com/rsms

- The "Il1 ag" rule.

Oliver's Recommendations

- Zack Leatherman: https://twitter.com/zachleat

- "Web Typography" by Richard Rutter: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Web-Typography-designing-typography-responsive/dp/099566420X

- Typography.guru on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/typographyguru 

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