Happy New Year! Sam and Ryan are back from the holidays, talking about transitive dependencies in node and the browser in the context of Ryan’s next-s3-upload library. They also discuss a SuspenseAfterInitialRender component, speed vs. testability in services and monoliths, and a thought-provoking tweet from Dan Abramov on tests vs. source code.

Topics include:

0:00 - Would you want tests or source code11:20 - Suspense, SuspenseAfterInitialRender, unstable_avoidThisFallback19:05 - Value of having a reproducible test suite for a dynamic app22:12 - Speed vs. testability of services vs. monolith26:24 - How to import different versions of dependencies in libraries. Module resolution in node vs. browser.


Dan Abramov’s tweet on tests vs. source codeA Quick Intro to Suspense in React 18React PR for unstable_avoidThisFallbackHow Serverless Saved Money on My Heating Billnext-s3-upload, Ryan’s Next.js package for uploading images

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