Chris Garrett joins Sam and Ryan to chat about what's coming to Ember in Octane, its first edition. Chris talks about how module unification, decorators, ES6 classes, named args, angle-bracket components, template imports, modifiers, and Glimmer components offer a cohesive new programming model for Ember.js developers.

Topics include:

1:18 – De-scoping Module Unification from Octane
2:25 – Run-time APIs are coming to Octane, build-time APIs are being worked on
5:04 – What's the vision behind Ember Editions, and Octane in particular?
9:41 – What's the state of decorators?
15:43 – What can't you do with static decorators that you can with dynamic decorators?
19:18 – Why do we need decorators to use ES6 classes in Ember?
20:50 – Is it possible to lint for correct usage of named args and this-dot property access?
29:30 – How did Modifiers come about, and how do they obviate the need for lifecycle methods?
38:00 – Are you concerned that a player as big as React has abandoned ES6 Classes in favor of functions? Do you think there's anything to their argument that classes are fundamentally confusing?
43:49 – What's the thinking behind the Modifier Manager API that just landed?
52:04 - Could you expand on a point you made in your blog post about how Ember.set leaks state management all across your app?
58:50 – What's the status of Glimmer components?


Chris Garrett on Twitter
Chris's blog
Modifier managers RFC
Decorators for JavaScript TC39 proposal

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