Ryan talks about a demo he built in Next.js 13 with React Server Components. He explains how RSC driven by the URL eliminated client-side states, how he used React 18 Transitions to enhance the UI, and how he was able to fine-tune the experience differently for the initial render vs. subsequent client-side navigations.

Topics include:

0:00 - Intro1:37 - Overview of Ryan’s user search page14:06 - React 18 Transitions and how RSC eliminates client states28:25 - How to change the UX for initial server navigations vs. in-app client navigations while still having one entry point for your data37:01 - Why Next.js 13 encourages you to learn about the Suspense and Transition primitives43:33 - What would a simple boilerplate for RSC look like?49:18 - Do the benefits of backends-as-a-service go away with RSC?


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