Mike Brcic describes a way to create an Issues Management Tool. Create a spreadsheet for all the issues that arise in your business (also applicable in the family!) This reserves a space to document issues that are non-emergencies but need to be addressed at a designated time.





Mike  is a father of 3 incredible kids, a husband, and loves to ride his bike around his city in Toronto! Founder/Chief Explorer of Wayfinders

A serial entrepreneur with multiple business and projects over 20+ years, these days I'm super passionate about connecting people (especially entrepreneurs) and building community.

My current focus is on Mastermind Adventures where I invite amazing entrepreneurs to join me on mindblowing adventures around the world - to help them build their tribe and community while having a ridiculous amount of fun.


Want to learn more about Front Row Dads?

We are in the business of building better families.

While most dads would say that family matters most, the challenge is they feel guilty knowing their careers get the best of them, and their family seems to get the rest of them.

We help Dads become family men with businesses, not businessmen who have families, so they can thrive personally AND professionally.

Subscribe to the Front Row Dad podcast to learn about fatherhood, marriage and how to level up your game at home, or if you’re ready for the best coaching and true brothers to grow with, Join The Brotherhood

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