Heavy bombings cause substantial financial losses for the Shackleton family and troubles for the Land Girls, but farm life must continue on. Crisis talks get underway at Foxglove Cottage, during which, Effy reveals she is pregnant. Fearful of what is on the horizon, Effy voices her concerns to Harry, but he insists that everything will […]

Heavy bombings cause substantial financial losses for the Shackleton family and troubles for the Land Girls, but farm life must continue on. Crisis talks get underway at Foxglove Cottage, during which, Effy reveals she is pregnant. Fearful of what is on the horizon, Effy voices her concerns to Harry, but he insists that everything will be okay. Whilst Stefan and Sid are on a paper round with Ruairidh, cycling by the Thames, German POWS arrive in Gravesend. Stefan is furious after encountering one of the POWS who happens to be someone from his past, and following the confrontation, Stefan runs off in the chalk tunnels to calm down, but the apparition of Finch makes an unexpected return.