Previous Episode: 6. Excel is Your Superhero


David Boyar

The IPA reckon play is a flashback to the glory days of quickbooks re entering the market, but with a genuine CPD benefit 

How good and easy to read is this excel summary. 


Paul Meissner

Definition of advisory?
a great article by Elaine Clark, where she restates her love of compliance and says: “I guess the only fault about compliance accountants is that, generally, they do not shout about how good they are at what they do and the services that they provide. They just do it!”

Yet the so-called ‘twittersphere’ and ‘blogosphere’ are full of all sorts telling us that compliance is dead and we can only exist as an advisory practice. This statement alone shows exactly how little they know about what we do and how we do it. It shows their ignorance of the work of thousands of accountants across the UK who work tirelessly and with great professionalism and ability. They are already advisory practices, but just happen to be advisory practices that don’t use the software or systems that they are trying to sell us.

Accountancy practices already are Advisory practices 

AI Data bias



David Boyar

When someone says you should read more they’re ignoring everything that makes you you  

Accountants don’t understand their own influence, even if it’s just on twitter.


Paul Meissner

Brutal Valentines day breakup message. :-) 

Trent Mclaren’s re posted bubble in a bubble

Xero Roadshow data shows people find community 

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From the Trenches is brought to you by Paul Meissner from Freedom Mentoring and David Boyar from Change GPS. Proudly sponsored by BGL and The Outsourced Accountant.

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