End of Financial Year. Party. Need we say more?
Join us for the From The Trenches EOFY Party, hosted by Dave and Paul to look back on what’s been another eventful year in the world of accounting. We’ve been with you every step of the way, to cover everything Dave and Paul reviewed the usual segments as well as a few surprises along the way.

Best of the Best:

Smart Biz solutions UK placement
CA Program reform
The amazingly open conversation with Tim Reed from MYOB

Pizza robot and Google AI booking robot
John Oliver Crypto video.
Intuit Giant video

Worst of the Worst:

Macquarie’s work ethic
William Buck Millennial Fail

MYP taking me to small claims court

5 in 5: BGL
You claim you’re the number 1 super and corporate services software, are you?
BGL is based in South Caulfield, how do you attract tech talent?
You’ve survived 3 main tech revolutions, how?
Business is about relationships, how long have you had your oldest client for?

Best Content, Best Contributor, Worst Marketing Ideas and the Most Overrated Buzzword

In Depth Topic: Predictions for the Year Ahead

As a business owner, I’ll still feel like I can’t keep up or don’t get done what I want
Accountants won’t trust partners
Blockchain and Bitcoin will still remain a mystery to most

Accountants still buried under the weight of compliance,
Software companies and their products will continue not to make the promised difference
AI will still be largely a myth.

From The Trenches’ - Real Life in the Accounting Industry presented by Paul Meissner and David Boyar.
