Get your early bird tickets to the Trenches Summit right now to keep up to date with a summit that has the best of the best without any of the worst.

Best on Ground


Speed Dating with your work hat off  helps you compare apples with apples when considering tech solutions.


Learning has genuine value – it's the only way to improve anything that is keeping you down.

Trent McLaren (Divi Pay)

The side events, it feels like a 5 day music festival – Accountingpalooza 

Jack Kay (ChangeGPS)

The best ones are when expectation meets reality. Content is focused without marketing spin  


Worst on Ground


 When tech delivers content outside the core problem the tech solves (wait for the stoush with Trent over why).


Too many speaking slots in narrow talent pool. The slots are becuase vendors paid even if they don’t have quality content to deliver.


With a Vendor Hat on it’s clear the pay to play model make ROI didn’t correlate . Events who used to charge 20k for an inperson event shouldn’t charge 20k for a virtual one.

Content programs are commercially led and commercial outcomes can conflict with attendee priorities 


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