The rant episode years in the making. 

Online lives are fake  for both business and personal. This is spoken about often in our personal lives but when people are big noting themselves in business platforms, we're worried about the impact on our business lives. 

Anyone can post any view or opinion they have now as fact. Facts no longer matter. Science is irrelevant and research is more often shared when it's commissioned by marketers who need data to sell their product. People are then emboldened by social sycophants that just agree with them. 

And when that happens, an idea that isn't worth spreading gets spread.

Anyone who tries a counter argument is labelled a troll or grumpy and risks damage to the professional reputation. 

Facts don’t matter anymore, there is always a group that will feed you back your views, a comfortable confirmation bias is met. And if enough likes and clicks are made all of a sudden that person is considered a "thought leader". When all they did was share a self service opinion. 

I often hear people pass off likes, supportive comments etc as proof that anyone holding a different view is irrelevant. 

But we embrace the differing view. We like the friction and the debate.


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