Last Friday a jury in Wisconsin found Kyle Rittenhouse, the young man charged with two murder charges stemming from the shooting at a protest, not guilty of those charges. Reaction was swift from across the ideological spectrum with conservatives hailing the ruling as a win for 2nd amendment rights and liberals lamenting the verdict was indicative of a judicial system that is systemically racist. In this episode, I dive into the case and provide broader context of other cases that prove the Rittenhouse verdict is not evidence of the way in which our system is broken, but rather the way it works. However, it is necessary to be introspective about our criminal justice system and I highlight three cases and trends for how we can reform our system to ensure more equitable verdicts and to minimize injustice.

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About: A bipartisan, unbiased look at politics from a former political science professor. No b.s., no right, no left - just facts and analysis so that you can form your own political opinion. Stay up to date on politics and get a better understanding of politics, how politics works, and everything politics each week.

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