Campdrafting is the fastest growing sport in the Nation. At a time of significant growth and substantial changes, Rohan Marks is elected as the President of the largest Campdraft Affiliation in Australia. Whilst we get a little insight into Rohan as a person, this interview isn't based on his life and we didn't get to talk about all the important people that play a role in it. Host, Caitlyn Hewitt was more interested in chatting with Rohan about some hot topics that are raising eyebrows and frustration levels.

Caitlyn is not a competitor, she is however a secretary and all 3 of her businesses circulate around the campdrafting industry. Her point of view is a little different but we think you'll find this interview to be insightful, real and to the point.

Episode Sponsor : Hewitt Consulting & Communications
Producer: Joseph Maloney & Caitlyn Hewitt
Host: Caitlyn Hewitt