Next Episode: Mention it all Patty

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On this week's pod we talk

RHONJ trailer dropped 
Dolores and COVID
Kathy Hilton filmed a confessional
Tom Girardi update

RHOSLC - Ep. 9:

Lisa/Meredith/Mary vs. Jen
Shariff’s surprise birthday party
Whitney’s attempt to bring up the drama
Are Meredith/Lisa in contact with Mary?
Are the ladies afraid of Jen?
Does Area 51 makes glow fish?

RHOA - Ep. 5:

The White Party/surprise engagement

Joe Biden

Riley leaving for college
Kenya & LaToya

The pursuit of Porsha

RHOD - Ep. 2:

Dr Tiffany Moon her house and culture - the new lower level

D’Andra’s shaman blowing air up her nose

Being proper

 Kary v D’Andra