On episode 53, I sat down with the founder of square 1 system Shawn Sherman, this is the second occasion that I’ve had Shawn on the show. On this episode Shawn reiterated the basis of square 1 systems and shared some of the major additions that he has made over the last year. Shawn also shared many of the exciting materials and concepts that he is currently preparing for release in the near future.
Shawn begins by discussing the PCS, which is the postural control system which includes our visual apparatus, vestibular system, and proprioceptive system. Our sensory experience paints our experience with our surroundings and how we respond to certain stimuli. Shawn shares how movement and posture are intricately tied to the PCS, when sensory information is dysregulated one cannot hope for optimization of movement. We discuss some of the terms that are utilized to explain structural elements of the body( hardware) and the nervous system(software). Shawn shares the reciprocal nature in which hardware and software components interact, while also discussing how software interventions are different from hardware(tissue) interventions.
Vision occupies a ton of neurological real estate and is at the peak of the neural hierarchy. We discuss how when software interventions clear up inhibitions within the PCS neurological resources can be allocated to other systems throughout the PCS. For instance, if we clear threat or inhibition in the visual apparatus, it may also have beneficial effects on the vestibular or proprioceptive. Shawn shares some of his own anecdotal experiences in the last year, in which he has expanded the peripheral vision of many of his clients as he has cleared intolerances and threats from his clients. Shawn discusses how this could be beneficial for athletes as it will allow for them to start with a more optimized visual field, that even under fatigue will be expanded in comparison to their counterparts.
Shawn also shares interesting information on Nasal breathing and how he has been able to utilize different head positions in combination with nasal breathes to provide quick and easy interventions that optimize sensory integration. The things that Shawn currently has out are game changers and the things which he is referencing will be groundbreaking and allow for professionals working with large groups even more dynamic tools for building robust and optimized movers. Check the links below for access to Shawn’s materials, as well as my newly launched website for From the Ground Up Athletic Performance.
Square 1 Systems Webpage
From The Ground Up Webpage