On todays Episode I sit down with Mat Boule of IP institut, we take a dive into his perspective of motor output and how it is built through early sensory information derived from early formative stages. We discuss the pyramid of Williams and Shellenberger, which details the development of reflexes, posture, locomotion, and motor learning. We discuss methods to that can be utilized to intervene when faulty patterning has been created in early developmental stages. We examine how traditional methodology varies from neural based approaches and talk about how neurological solutions/ priming can be easily implemented into everyday athletic preparatory approaches. Posture is something that details the movement solutions that someone presents, with Mat being a posturologist we spend some time talking about common posture issues that he observes and their root cause. We also spent some time talking about Central Pattern Generators and the role that they play in movement. Overall this is a great episode providing a lot of great information on how to fix everyday issues or compensations by addressing the true root of the problem, ineffective patterning created from deficits created in early developmental stages. Give Mat a follow on Instagram to keep up with all his latest content, you can also check out his content on his webpage. CIES Webpage for Mats Posturology.