On episode 16 I sat down with Jordan Terry of Adaptable Polarity. We had a very intriguing conversation based around they system he's built at adaptable polarity. We start out by talking about the law of polarity and dual existence. The idea of neural availability is another major conversation piece that flows throughout the entire interview. The ability to connect and disconnect are major components of our human existence and transfers to multiple areas of our lives. We talk about compensation, why it occurs and how it can be compounding. Compensation is a part of the human condition, but left unattended it becomes the new normal and can drive maladaptation or injury. We discuss the idea of flow especially in regards to the bodies systems ( Nervous, Lymphatic, digestive, reproductive, vascular, endocrine) and how systems within the body are interrelated and facilitate our existence. We talk about the concept of holding space found within adaptable polarity, I would liken it to being in the moment without any preconceived notions. We discuss the role of the frontal lobe and how it is the seat of consciousness and how it can be integrated to create a new perspective. A new perspective can drive a new reality, new movement, and encourage creation. We also discuss how variation lights up the frontal lobe and we talk about how variation is a manner to create a more robust profile. We end by talking about the spiral and how the human body is a spiral all the way down to the building blocks of life. We talk about how looking at the body's movement closely shows the body functions as a coil and we talk about the ramification of this in regards to efficiency and natural manners of movement. This is a really intellectually conversation, Jordan presents a lot of interesting topics we see the overall macro view of an integrated system, but we also examine the micro and how it all comes together to facilitate the being that we are. Make sure to check out Jordan's Instagram Adaptable Polarity, He post some great content, the artwork is stellar and the concepts are really thought provoking. For a more detailed explanation of some of the concepts discussed check out Adaptable Polarity webpage.