On Episode 14 I had the pleasure of sitting down with author of Born to Walk James Earls. We begin our discussion by defining and analyzing the role of Fascia within the body, this naturally leads us to the concept of tensegrity and how it shifts the central focus away from the bone and joint structure and examines the tensioning mechanisms of soft tissues. We discuss the different influencers of locomotion and focus mostly on the visceral and emotional early in the conversation, later more structural considerations are taken into account. The spring mass model and how it is a more effective and efficient means of viewing locomotion is discussed as well as the role of tissue resilience and stiffness. We examine the contralateral patterning of locomotion and the utilization of slings throughout the body. We discuss the role of the foot and the importance of energy conservation in the foot for stance stability and absorption. We end our conversation by examining the trends in the modern day and age that seem to push us further away from our natural state, which for so long has been that of a dynamic mover. Truly a great examination of a lot of different factors that coalesce when the body is in motion. If you've never read James's Book Born to Walk I encourage you to do so, its a great examination of the body and is extremely detailed with wonderful illustrations provided as well. You can also check out James's Instagram(Born_to_walk) to keep up with all the content he is putting out as well. Born to move is a website as well where James and others put out courses dealing with many differing concepts. 

Born To Walk Amazon Link https://www.amazon.com/Born-Walk-Myofascial-Efficiency-Movement/dp/1583947698