Welcome to Episode 3 of from the ground up, on todays episode I had the pleasure of setting down with Coach Tony Holler. Coach Holler is best known for his system Feed the Cats, that he developed while serving as a head track and field coach. Coach Holler is also  cofounder of the Track Football consortium a yearly gathering of individuals from the worlds of football, track, S&C and beyond. We discuss how to naturally foster a love for sprinting and how this is often distorted to make kids loathe what some deem as sprinting. We discuss the shift in the mentality of some sports prep coaches to a more sustainable and athletic centered approach. We focus on the why and when to implement minimum effective dosage in training. We discuss how weight training can be utilized to facilitate athletic qualities. We discuss his unique prep for the sprinting events in track. We examine how TFC started and where the idea of rebel talent came from. Lastly we discuss the benefits of supporting multisport athletes. Overall this was a great podcast and I think people from all aspects of sports and sports prep can derive something from it. Coach Holler is most active on twitter you can follow him @pntrack. Coach Holler also has a lot of great feed the cats material located on coachtube.com for a variety of sporting events. If you ever get the opportunity to attend a TFC, the guest list is phenomenal and I can guarantee that you will leave brimming with information. Don't forget to subscribe to the podcast to keep up with all the latest content and please leave a rating and review. 


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