On episode 51 I sat down with Brandon Holder of FASST sports performance training. Brandon works with a wide variety of clientele, however, as you can see early on in the conversation he has a passion for working with youth clients and developing them through a sensible long term approach. Brandon shares his starting point for young clients and how isometrics provide a great starting point to provide postural references and sensible methods to advance TUT. Brandon shares that with " the population that he currently works with Load is the last progression."  Brandon shares how he likes to isolate to integrate, we discuss how he utilizes different exercises such as wall lateral load and lift. By doing exercises such as this, Brandon gives young athletes a great reference point that is stable and allows for athletes to build proficient modes of movement before entering more dynamic and chaotic agilities or competitions. 

Most of the conversation centers around sleds and how they are an extremely useful and versatile tool. All training exist on a spectrum, sleds are no different. The sled spectrum places sled training on a spectrum with strength on one end and power on the other. Load and position influence Ground contacts and ground contacts are the most telling for if an exercise is more strength or power based. Sleds can be utilized for PAP effects as well as a method to contrast training. Sleds allow for users to produce force in vectors that traditional barbell based movements do not. Sleds allow for us to move in a horizontal vector, where as force production in traditional barbell based movements are more vertically based. Sleds can be utilized to build energy systems and used for lower intensity methods as well, they provide a good format for variance and a break from more traditional barbell based movements in training. Brandon shares how to utilize periodization for sled based movements and shares some of the rationales about why sled training is a timely, safe, and powerful method for in season strength development. 

We end the conversation by talking about speed development and Brandon shares some of the concepts that he utilizes to gamify and involve clients in everyday processes. Brandon shares how varied starts are good to provide a robust base of movement for younger clientele. Different variations may be more applicable to team based settings and allow for athletes to interact with a variety of angles for more effective displays of speed and power. Brandon shares how showing different athletes that he understands the need of their sport helps to garner buy in to the process. Overall this is a great conversation on the rationale for including sled work, whether you chose to integrate sled training for all the methods mentioned today or you only utilize some of the options, sleds are a valuable tool that athletes can easily benefit from.  Make sure to check the links below for access to my new website as well as Brandon's social's and some of the things referenced in todays conversation. 


Coachbholder Insta 

FASST Insta 

Sled Training Simplifaster