War Journal tells the story of one of the most incredible escapes in World War II,“ said the film’s producer, writer and director Tim Gray. Gray is also Founder of the non-profit World War II Foundation and President of Tim Gray Media. “Two Americans, both escapees of Bataan, Damon Gause from Corregidor as well who, in 1942, in a leaky 20-foot fishing boat, escaped and sailed from the Philippines to Australia and freedom,” Gray said.

It took Gause and fellow American William Lloyd Osborne 52 days and 3,200 miles to reach freedom. During the trip, the Americans faced typhoons, constant threats from Japanese ships, submarines and airplanes, lack of water and food and even a visit to a leper colony. When the two Americans arrived at General Douglas MacArthur’s office in Brisbane, Australia the only thing the General could say was “Well, I’ll be damned.”