Episode 10 kicks off with a day 37 update of lockdown life in Bariloche, Argentina, including our confrontation with the neighbor across the hall who was convinced we were walking Covid-19 infections since we were tourists, as well as updates regarding the latest local restrictions -- no, we're not expecting easing anytime soon. After our update, we dive into the cultural wonder that is Mérida, Mexico, and why we were smitten since the day we arrived. The cultural capital of the Yucatan peninsula has scheduled events 365 days per year. It's truly a celebration of the past, preserved for the future. Remains one of the top highlights of our journey so far. And the Airbnb location had a lot to do with it, not to mention our wonderful hosts Maria and Jorge. If you ever visit Mérida, stay at Casita 64. Here's the listing: https://www.airbnb.com/rooms/27582669

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Intro/Outro Music: The World at Large by Daniel O'Connor
Intro VO: Laura Welsh