Day 59 of "Bariloche Lockdown" is also time for episode 13 of "From Sumplace New" — the one where Karen and Jon talk about how their perspective of international travel has transformed dramatically during their journey from Seattle to Mexico and South America.

Three years ago, international travel meant vacations to tourist destinations every 2-3 years — something that required saving for a jam-packed two weeks abroad. Two years ago, we were planning to go to Ecuador for a 6-9 month stay to kick off our slow-travel lifestyle. A year ago, we realized that we like moving every month after spending nine months traveling throughout Mexico. We're moving faster now than we ever thought we would, and we're loving it.

If you're contemplating a digital nomad lifestyle, now may be the best time since so many businesses are allowing and/or encouraging remote employment. Food for thought. You could do this, too!

At the end of the episode, Karen asks: Were you surprised by this evolution? Jon answers: I've been most surprised by how rapidly you transformed from being a nesting aesthete to a free-wheeling vagabond! We will discuss this further in a future episode!

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Intro/Outro Music: The World at Large by Daniel O'Connor
Intro VO: Laura Welsh