Next Episode: A Rackspace Odyssey

Not Quite Dead Yet

Gosh, it's been a year since we launched the new site at PyOhio, and
nearly that much time since we released a new episode.

Excuses? Oh yeah, we've got 'em--life, work, other hobbies, family,
relationships, infrastructure issues, conference speaking... the list goes on
and on and on (and on).

But then PyOhio 2013 happened, and we kept bumping into people who gushed about
the podcast and rekindled feelings in the deep, dark depths of our hearts that
we thought had long since burned to ash and scattered to the winds. So maybe,
just maybe, it might be worth another go, to see if we can start doing this
in a way that's sustainable, or at least somewhat compatible with all of our
other competing interests and schedules.

Maybe we're not quite dead yet after all.

Hit us up on Twitter or the comment form on the site and let
us know what topics you'd like us to tackle and cool things we shouldn't miss.

And who knows? Together, we might just start something here.

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