Previous Episode: Are You There, Internet?

Episode 017: The One About Python 3

At long last, we finally get down to some Real Talk about Python 3. In
this episode, Mike and Dave are joined by guests Nick
and Alex Gaynor; our discussion gets into the history of
Python 3's development, why it's compelling, whether it's a failure, and more.
We also chat for a bit about Alex's new Cryptography library and the
downfall of "abstinence-only" crypto education.

All this plus some news and the return of the return of Python trivia! Read on
for some additional thoughts as well as a plethora of links for this episode.

First of all, we'd like to apologize for the delay. We had almost managed to
settle into an every-other-month cadence when we were stricken with scheduling
conflicts and the unexpected death of our editing platform. (And oh, how the
sadhorns did play!) Work and pre-PyCon complications followed.

Secondly, a heads up--though we're trying to improve the audio quality (Dave
has a microphone now!), Google Hangout seems to have betrayed us, introducing
mystery pops and clicks that have thus far resisted our attempts to scrub them
out in post. For some reason they seem to only affect one segment of the
recording, so please bear with it for a couple minutes--the main interview
portion of the episode is click-free. We're very sorry, and all we can do
about it at this point is to promise that we'll keep working on it.

While we were fighting through all of the above, Python 3.4 was released, and
it's really exciting because it has seriously cool things that we
somehow failed to discuss at all during our recording session a couple weeks
prior (though we may have mentioned some highlights last time).

Behold, a parade of links, for your clicking enjoyment!

Django News Podcast
Import This
Python 3 Q&A by Nick Coghlan
About Python 3 by Alex Gaynor
Cryptography 101
Cryptography Right Answers
If You're Typing the Letters A-E-S Into Your Code, You're Doing It Wrong
Moxie Marlinspike
Practical Cryptography
NIST Computer Security Division: crypto stuff
The Colt Python
The Python roller coaster--you can even take a
virtual ride
The original Cheese Shop

Our hosting is generously provided by Rackspace. (Thanks!)


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