How are we to really know God? If there are so many different faces of God reflected in the various names of God, who is the real God? The vengeful God, the judging God, the merciful God? Each of the traditional names, including the Hebrew YHWH... seemingly present only one aspect.
Acclaimed bestselling author, Rabbi Wayne Dosick, Ph.D., has applied his years of biblical scholarship to unearth The Real Name of God, resulting in a book that answers the question "Who is God?" This postulates a vastly different and more expansive understanding of God so that we can join with the divine in transcending our modern, divisive world.
Join Rabbi Dosick and me on Tuesday, May 14, 10-11 A.M. US to learn the Real Name of God that is shared by all three biblically-sourced religions, Judaism, Christianity and Islam, affirming our oneness, one God, one world, one people.