As part of our New Year, New Me for 2022, perhaps it is time for us to learn more about "Numbers" and A Simple Way We Can Transform Misfortune into Fortune!

Jesse Kalsi is a world-renowned numerologist specializing in residential and business Numerology. He provides valuable insight into the power of numbers and how they affect our lives. His books, The Power of Home Numbers and All About Numbers, bring awareness and understanding of this phenomenon by combining his Eastern upbringing with his Western experience.

Jesse has positively affected thousands of people's lives for over twenty years. His clients include prominent business people and highly successful communication and entertainment companies. He has appeared on radio and television shows in the U.S. and has amazed audiences with his unique perspective on Numerology.

Jesse is a successful real estate broker and a Certified Federal Aviation Administration Flight Instructor with a commercial pilot's license. He received his Bachelor's Degree in India and has an LLM in International Legal Studies from Golden Gate University in San Francisco, CA.

Upon graduation from the National Defense Academy of India, he pursued advanced studies at the Indian Military Academy. Jesse served as a Captain in the 1st Battalion, 3rd Gurkha Rifles, formerly called "The Queen's Own." While posted at the Jammu-Kashmir frontier, he was informed of his true life purpose and left the army. Jesse originally came to the U.S. to learn to fly but eventually returned here to make his home in California.

Join Jesse Kalsi and me on Tuesday, January 11, 10 A.M. - 11 A.M. CT U.S. Our conversation will be about his remarkable life's journey, his latest book, All About Numbers, and how you can attract luck, abundance, and joy based on your numbers!