What really is DESIRE? This fundamental human element has a bad reputation, yet it still remains a titillating and edgy subject. The recent rise of the #MeToo movement and the outing of influential leaders points to the breakdown of our old paradigm of desire and invites us into new possibilities, if we are willing enough to dare.

In her exciting new book, titled, DESIRE, Dr. Saida Désilets shines light on the fundamental yearnings of being human and offers inspiration on how to listen to the hidden truth of our desire.

As a thought-leader and body-philosopher, Dr. Saida Desilets has also authored: The Emergence of the Sensual Woman and The Illustrious Jade Egg and has had her innovative method featured in Dr. Christiane Northrup’s bestselling books: Women’s Wisdom, Women’s Bodies & The Secret Pleasures of Menopause, as well as in the books of Dr. Rachel Abrams: Multi-Orgasmic Woman and BodyWise.

Join Dr. Saida Desilets and me on Tuesday, February 5, 10-11 A.M. CT US. We will be having a conversation about her life’s journey, passion and vision for a new look at the role of DESIRE in our lives!